Chlorophyll Green Detox Smoothie Recipe

Whether you’re just starting a fast and cleanse, or you’re in full detox mode, it’s extremely helpful to have a green detox smoothie recipe available. A detox smoothie should flood your body with nutrients that help it get rid of toxins and harmful substances.


A green smoothie promotes detox by supporting the organs and systems that cleanse your body. It should also help your body become more alkaline, thus making it easier to detox.

Here’s one of our favorite detox smoothies. It checks all the boxes by supporting full-body health and detox throughout the body.

Chlorophyll Green Detox Smoothie Recipe


  • 1 scoop Green Supremefood®
  • 1 scoop Fiber Zone
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/2 cup berries (any kind)
  • 1-2 cups spinach
  • 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
  • juice from 1 lemon (about 1/4 cup)
  • 1 cup of water
  • organic stevia, or another healthy sugar alternative to taste
  • ice, as needed for desired texture


    Place all ingredients, except sweetener and ice, in your blender or food processor. Process until smooth. Add sweetener to taste. Add ice until desired consistency is reached. Makes 1 serving.

    Nutrition info (per entire recipe): 300 calories, 20 grams fat, 9 grams net carbs (24 grams carbs, 15 grams fiber), 4 grams protein

    What Makes this Green Smoothie Great for Detox?

    There are many outstanding ingredients in this smoothie that support detox. In fact, all 6 detox systems in the body can benefit from this smoothie. They include your:

    * Kidneys

    * Liver

    * Digestive Tract

    * Skin

    * Lymph System

    * Respiratory Tract

    In fact, the vegetables and grasses in Green Supremefood®, the inulin and psyllium husk in Fiber Zone, and the fresh fruits, greens, and healthy fats in the recipe all promote health and detox.

    What’s more, our smoothie boasts a vital compound for cleansing the body. It’s chlorophyll, and it’s found in the greens, grasses, and algae. As you might remember from biology, chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plants their green color. Plants use chlorophyll along with sunlight to get their nutrients.

    But how does chlorophyll help human health and detoxification? The compound, and the foods that contain it, works wonders for humans as well.

    Chlorophyll for Human Health and Detox

    Vegetables, grasses, and algae contain chlorophyll. Wheatgrass, chlorella, and spirulina are potent sources of chlorophyll. Spinach and parsley also contain good amounts. In supplements, chlorophyll is typically added as chlorophyllin, which is a water-soluble derivative of natural chlorophyll. This makes it easier to digest when supplemented.

    Whether through supplements or natural foods, chlorophyll supports human health and detox. Here’s how:

    Natural Detoxification

    Chlorella, spirulina, algaes, wheatgrass, and greens promote natural detoxification in the body. Chlorophyll is one of their main agents responsible for cleansing. In fact, studies have found that these foods support the removal of heavy metals and other harmful compounds from the body (1, 2, 3).

    One 2011 animal study from Japan found that mice given chlorophyll shots excreted much more mercury from their systems than the control group after exposure to it (4).

    Heavy metals can accumulate from ingesting them through foods and supplements, inhaling them from the air, or working in toxic environments or with harmful chemicals.

    Experts believe chlorophyll promotes cellular and blood detox by binding the heavy metals and helping the body excrete them.

    In addition, chlorophyll may reduce the amount of other non-metal harmful chemicals in the body. For example, chlorophyll has been found to reduce blood levels of dioxin, a known hormone disruptor (5, 6).

    Anti-Aging and Skin Health Compound

    As a topical application, chlorophyll may reduce signs of skin sun damage. A study found that a topical chlorophyll gel improved skin condition for 12 days after its application (7).

    What’s more, it may be effective against blemishes and enlarged pores. One study found that a gel containing chlorophyllin helped reduce facial blemishes and large pores (8). Yet another study concluded that the combination of phototherapy and chlorophyll resulted in fewer blemishes and less oily skin (9).

    One of the primary ways the body deals with toxins is through the skin. As chlorophyll helps the body rid itself of toxins, it may also promote skin health.

    Blood-Building Properties

    Hemoglobin is often measured to assess the iron status, oxygen, and health of a person’s blood. Chlorophyll is chemically similar to hemoglobin.

    In fact, researchers have suggested that supplementation with chlorophyll through wheatgrass may improve hemoglobin levels when deficient. This means better energy, health, and well-being!

    What’s more, it may be effective against blemishes and enlarged pores. One study found that a gel containing chlorophyllin helped reduce facial blemishes and large pores (8). Yet another study concluded that the combination of phototherapy and chlorophyll resulted in fewer blemishes and less oily skin (9).

    One of the primary ways the body deals with toxins is through the skin. As chlorophyll helps the body rid itself of toxins, it may also promote skin health.

    Natural Deodorant

    When toxins are present in your body, you may also experience more body odor.

    Researchers have studied chlorophyll for its potential as a deodorant for many years. Studies have found that chlorophyll supplementation may reduce body odor from digestion (in the case of a colostomy) and skin (10, 11).

    In fact, some deodorants and mouthwashes now contain chlorophyll to help reduce body odor through toxin removal.

    Wound-Healing Properties

    When the body is healthy, it has an amazing ability to heal itself. A 2008 review found that chlorophyll supplements promoted better wound healing, fewer wound odors, and potentially fewer infections in wounds (12).

    Alkaline Environment

    When the body is healthy, it has an amazing ability to heal itself. A 2008 review found that chlorophyll supplements promoted better wound healing, fewer wound odors, and potentially fewer infections in wounds (12).Lastly, chlorophyll is highly alkaline and promotes an alkaline environment in the body. How does this help with detox, cleansing, and overall health? Alkaline diets can (13):

    • Improve the potassium-sodium ratio in the blood, which supports bone health, muscle growth and maintenance, and healthy blood pressure
    • Increase human growth hormone production which supports cardiovascular health and brain health
    • Improve levels of intracellular magnesium which supports enzyme production, vitamin D activation, and hormone balance

    As you add more chlorophyll-containing foods and supplements to your diet, you can support whole-body health, cleansing, and detox!

    Potent Sources of Chlorophyll in our Green Detox Smoothie

    Chlorophyll is found throughout the ingredients in our green detox smoothie. The most potent sources are found in Green Supremefood®. These include (13):

    • spirulina
    • chlorella
    • wheatgrass
    • spinach
    • kelp
    • parsley
    • spinach
    • kale
    • green tea

    In addition, fresh spinach, lemon juice, and inulin and psyllium husk in Fiber Zone® are potent cleansing agents in our Green Detox Smoothie.